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Tuesday, 18th of February 2025
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Math Expression
Having difficulty understanding math? Looking for help in math? Or a free math tutor?
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Online Test
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Algebra Resources Galore
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Maths Doctor
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What is Math Resource Centre (MRC) ? |
The Math Resource Centre (MRC) is a learning and resource centre for students who need help in Mathematics and/or would like to review math topics. The centre offers math resources and 24-hour tutoring service to OUM students. |
Who benefits from the Math Resource Centre? |
Students and Faculty/Tutors of OUM alike will find the Resource Centre useful. For students, the centre offers learning resources for reviewing math topics. It also offers free 24-hour online tutoring service and students will be able to get live help around the clock. For Faculty/Tutors the centre offers useful resources for teaching math. |
What types of resources are available? |
Resources include, and are not limited to:
- Supplemental notes
- Practice problems
- Interactive tutorials
- Links to useful math sites
03-2773 2766
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
itla@oum.edu.my |